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What Are the Advantages of Application Shielding?

Application shielding has emerged as an important approach to hardening software security against rising threats like reverse engineering, piracy, tampering, and more. By creating a protective barrier around an application, shielding prevents unauthorized access to critical code and resources. Let’s explore the various advantages app shielding offers for securing modern software.

Preventing Reverse Engineering of Code

Reverse engineering code to uncover its underlying logic, assets, and data is a major threat. Application shielding makes reverse engineering virtually impossible by transforming and encrypting the code.
Obfuscation techniques scramble and randomize the code structure.

Encryption garbles the code into a cipher text. Anti-debugging blocks debuggers and analyzers. API hiding conceals proprietary APIs and deep program logic. Together, these code-hardening protections create complex, unintelligible code that thwarts reverse engineering.

With reverse engineering being a starting point for many attacks, application shielding’s anti-reversing protections provide a strong foundation for security. Stopping reverse engineering through application shielding also ensures compliance with license agreements that prohibit reverse engineering.

Protecting intellectual property

Software code and algorithms contain proprietary IP, like trade secrets, design patterns, etc. Application shielding secures this IP against theft through static and dynamic protections.

Static protections like obfuscation and encryption are baked into the code itself. Dynamic protections enforce app encryption and integrity checks at runtime. Together, they protect code assets and ensure only authorized use of software IP.

IP protection is vital for maintaining competitive advantage and preventing the cloning of software features, designs, and algorithms by competitors. Application shielding provides robust protection against such IP theft. Having in-built IP protection also reduces the need for separate legal actions to protect IP.

Preventing Tampering and Modification

Malicious actors may try to tamper with code or modify app behavior for fraud, cybersabotage, etc. Application shielding employs integrity checks and runtime policy enforcement to prevent tampering.
Checksum validations spot any unauthorized changes to the code, libraries, or resources.

Runtime policies block access to admin interfaces, verification APIs, etc. to prevent harmful meddling. Shielding isolates and locks down critical components against tampering by external programs.

Tamper prevention ensures the software works as intended and avoids manipulated behaviors that could have legal, financial, and operational impacts.

Tamper proofing through application shielding provides assurance about software resilience even in client environments outside direct control.

Securing sensitive data

Many apps process sensitive user data like financial information, healthcare records, etc. Application shielding allows encrypting such data to ensure it remains protected.

Shielding solutions provide advanced encryption algorithms like AES and RSA to encrypt data according to classification levels. Encryption keys are secured in hardware or cloud HSMs.

Together with access controls, encryption ensures only authorized users can access sensitive data in decrypted form. Protecting sensitive data is mandatory to avoid compliance violations, lawsuits, and reputational damage due to data breaches.

Application shielding provides robust controls for classifying and encrypting sensitive data. Shielding solutions make data security easier for developers by handling encryption complexity.

Preventing digital piracy

Unlicensed distribution and use of pirated software result in major revenue losses globally. Application shielding provides strong copy protection to curb the piracy of desktop and mobile apps.

Features like license binding, hardware fingerprinting, and access restrictions are applied to ensure only licensed users can run the software. Persistent protections remain active even if a user tampers with their local environment.

This thwarts common piracy approaches like license cracks, keygens, patches, etc. Piracy prevention enables software vendors to realize full value from their products.

Application shielding delivers advanced protections specifically tailored to curb piracy. Anti-piracy shielding allows monetization models like subscriptions and licenses to be used more safely.

Safeguarding brand reputation

Vulnerable, insecure apps reflect poorly on the brand and damage reputations. Application shielding prevents branding risks by hardening apps against hacking, unauthorized modifications, and misuse.

Code hardening, data encryption, and usage policy enforcement maintain tight control over the app’s behavior. This prevents the misuse or hijacking of apps to perform fraudulent activities that could sully the brand image.

Brand reputation is a highly valued yet vulnerable asset that needs active safeguards. Application shielding provides a robust defense against threats that undermine brand reputation. Brand safety assured by application shielding provides peace of mind despite increasing software threats.

Smoothening Regulatory Compliance

Industries like financial services and healthcare have stringent regulatory requirements around software security and data privacy. Application shielding helps fast-track compliance with standards like PCI, DSS, HIPAA, etc.

Shielding provides required protections like encryption, access controls, auditing, tamper prevention, etc. out-of-the-box. This smooths compliance as apps have built-in mechanisms to satisfy regulatory mandates around security and privacy.

Staying compliant is necessary, but often challenging. Application shielding incorporates all required protections to take the pain out of compliance. Compliance capabilities bundled into shielding solutions significantly reduce development and audit costs.

Simplifying Licensing and Access Controls

Managing software licenses, subscriptions, and access controls involves complex, error-prone coding. Application shielding simplifies the enforcement of licensing models and access policies without coding.
Shielding solutions provide visual policy editors with the ability to apply controls like user/device restrictions, expiration, quotas, etc. APIs seamlessly integrate protections with business logic. This allows for flexibly implementing access and usage controls without taxing development resources. Licensing and access controls are critical for monetization but difficult to manage programmatically. Application shielding offers easy-to-use protection tools to overcome this challenge. Automated licensing by shielding solutions improves reliability and reduces lost revenue compared to manual checks.

Protecting Apps on Multiple Platforms

Modern apps often target multiple platforms, like desktop, mobile, web, cloud, etc. Re-implementing security protections separately for each platform is time-consuming. Application shielding provides a single framework to secure apps across platforms.

Shielding solutions allow defining protections like encryption, obfuscation, licensing policies, etc. once. These protections are then automatically integrated into apps on any target platform. This simplifies building multi-platform apps with consistent security.

Application shielding also enables seamless protection of microservices and serverless apps that involve dispersed code. Platform-agnostic shielding improves productivity while hardening apps deployed in diverse environments.


Application shielding provides multifaceted security for protecting the integrity and IP of software apps. By concealing, hardening, and encrypting code, shielding solutions prevent reverse engineering, tampering, fraud, and unauthorized use. They enable stronger data protection, licensing enforcement, and regulatory compliance. With software threats growing both wider and deeper, application shielding delivers a robust protective layer for securing valuable apps and data assets. Its effectiveness and ease of use make application shielding indispensable for software teams looking to harden their apps.

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